Title: Of Collars, Leashes and Domesticated Canines Series: Family Secrets Author: Valerie Vancollie Characters: Don, Billy Cooper Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 200 Spoilers: Man Hunt Summary: Don learns a little more about werewolves, much to Billy's frustration. Note: See the series Master List. Takes place between Scented and Family Secrets.
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Title: Blood Time: 10 minutes, 100 words Character: Don, David Rating: PG Summary: Prequel to The Shirt. Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. They belong to Cheryl and Nick. A/N: UnBetaed. All mistakes are mine.
Title: Three Days Time: 18 minutes, 208 words Character: Charlie Rating: PG Summary: Three days can change everything. Sequel to Morning. Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. They belong to Cheryl and Nick. A/N: Unbetaed. All mistakes are mine.
Title: Fear Time: 17 minutes, 206 words Character: Charlie Rating: PG Summary: Charlie’s afraid. Sequel to The Shirt and Contemplation. Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. They belong to Cheryl and Nick. A/N: Unbetaed. All mistakes are mine.
Title: Contemplation Word Count: 243 words Character: Alan Rating: PG Summary: Alan thinks about his son. Sequel to The Shirt. Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. They belong to Cheryl and Nick. A/N: Betaed by JLM110108 You are awesome Jo! All remaining mistakes are mine. Dedicated to NUMB3RSnut because she was the first to ask for a sequel.